Gems And Crafts

Friday, December 21, 2007

The Crystal World

Eastern astrology believes that planets rule the zodiac signs. Each planet emits cosmic radiations that affect the lives of people. Gemstones have their own vibrations that can balance the radiations of the planets. Thus wearing the correct birthstone can help better ones life.

The source of all energy in this world is sun light. This white light breaks into a spectrum of seven colors when it goes through a
crystal pyramid or prism. There are seven chakras in the human body. Seven colors of the spectrum each correspond to one of the chakras in the body. This is the principle on which Color Healing is based.

Crystal and Gemstones absorb certain colors and let only some colors to pass through when light falls on them. Thus crystals can be used in color healing or chakra healing. Amethyst is recommended for the Crown Chakra; Sodalite or Lapis Lazuli for the Third Eye Chakra; Turquoise or Amazonite for the Throat Chakra; Jade or green Aventurine for the Heart Chakra; Citrine, yellow Sapphire or Topaz for the Solar Plexus Chakra; Hessonite or Carnelian for the Sacral Chakra; and Garnet or Ruby for the Root Chakra.

Crystal Jewellery has been a symbol of power and status through out the ages and across civilizations. Religious priests in all ancient societies have been known to wear crowns embellished with mystic stones like Opal, Moonstone, Lapis Lazuli, Topaz etc. Not just the diamonds but even Ruby, Sapphire, Emerald have adorned the crowns of the Kings and Monarchs. The very widespread use of Jade as a healing stone has been well documented through the long history of Chinese Civilization. It is believed that to maintain her legendry beauty Cleopatra used to take bath in water charged with Amethyst and Quartz Crystal. Various sects and societies have been known to use Bloodstone to heal blood related disorders; Kidney stone or Malachite as a cure against stones; and Hematite and Amethyst for pains of the bones and backaches. Red Coral is believed to help against the pain of arthritis whereas White Coral keeps the skin healthy.

Crystal Jewelry can be worn in the form of Crystal Necklaces, Crystal Pendants, Bracelets or Ear rings. Not only is it enchanting to look at but also has a healing affect on the human body. Sterling Silver makes these Semi-Precious Stones into dazzling, regal jewelry pieces.

Nature seems to create its own artistic masterpieces sometimes in the form of beautifully shaded Jasper, mystic Agate in various laced agate formations, multi-shaded Tourmalines and Fluorites, families of crystal clusters, dazzling Tiger Eye and Iron Pyrite which is also called Fool’s Gold for obvious reasons. Agate is also found in formations that look like a Cat Face and sometimes like the Human Eye.

Seer’s and Clairvoyants also make use of
crystals to do scrying and dowsing. Fortune tellers do crystal gazing using Crystal Balls and dowsers use Crystal Pendulums that can answer all kinds of questions.

There are
scientific evidence of the energy associated with crystals. Scientists like Marcel Vogel spent years doing research on crystals. Vogel shaped a quartz crystal into a Double terminator, which he found resonates at the same frequency as water, the principle ingredient of the human body. That is why it is now a huge world wide trend to keep crystal figurines and statues as decorative pieces on your living room mantle piece. Decorative Quartz Clusters are kept in the lobbies of hotels and reception areas in offices not only for their dazzle but also because of the positive energy that they emanate.

You can discover the
world of gems and crystals.


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